My daylilies are just starting to bloom this year. We've had a really weird summer here in Wisconsin. We started with a cold summer, then transitioned into a very hot summer without rain. Now we've finally reached our normal summer, mid-80's with rain every few days, phew! It's pushed my daylily season back almost a month, incredible right? In my garden I've got some F1 plants that I'm very to see bloom for the first time, and some F2 plants that I am over the moon about! These are my favorite F2 plants so far. They have fantastic cristation/bearding. I'm VERY excited about the red one. I'm adding a picture of it next to Michaels Sword to show how red it really is! Both have good pollen which is always great when trying to hybridize cristate/bearded daylilies. I've got a few more that I'm waiting to see first blooms on, fingers crossed!
Here are some of my new F1 plants. The pollen is from a fellow Wisconsin daylily hybridizer whose garden I was able to visit. They graciously allowed me to harvest some pollen from their seedlings! I can see a little extra tissue on a few of these which is always exciting to see on a first blossom, but I'm really hoping to see if I can pull some of their plant habitat and face into my program. These five blooms all have the same parents (sorry about the pictures, it was a bright day!).
Here are a few of some other seedlings I was happy to see again. I've got a row of extremely tall daylilies, now if I can just figure out how to bring that into my program!
ms x foar bizar color changer
This row is 48" tall!
These three are ms x cliffjumper
As always, thanks for looking and happy hybridizing!